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Join Us

The Jimenez Sainz lab is seeking talented and highly motivated scientists to join our lab! We have a wide variety of projects ranging from basic biochemistry and molecular and cellular biology to translational research.


Applicants should have a background in biology, biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, genetics or related fields and most of all, have passion and curiosity for studying how point mutations in DNA repair genes lead to increased cancer risk and better response to therapy. Computational and programming skills will be valued.


We strongly believe in creating a diverse and rich environment for all the team members and we strive to train, mentor and promote your scientific growth independent of the position that you are seeking. Graduate and postdoctoral students will create individualized training plans yearly.


We have immediate openings for research specialistsundergraduate and graduate students, post-baccalaureate and master students and postdoctoral researchers. If you are interested please send your application to Judit Jimenez Sainz ( Applications should include: 1. CV, 2. Summary of research interests, 3. Contact information of 3 references.




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